February 15, 2025
6 days ago
I still can't believe Cade is reading. I'd like to say we did something to attribute to his reading skills, but other than reading a book every night before bed it was all up to him. He's always been obsessed with letters, learning his alphabet and their sounds at 2 years old, and then last spring it was writing all the letters, and then words, and then recognizing words and then full blown reading. Today I took the garbage out, and when I came back inside this is what I found! So sweet :)
LOVE it! I'll have to show Bronson tomorrow.
that is awesome!
That is awesome!
Wow. He's a lot like London. I would say the same thing about her. Now she comes home from kindergarten and says, "mom, did you know that (insert classmate's name here) can't read?! Can you believe that?" Like it's a shock that a kindergartener can't read.
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