Camp Humphrey's

So there are several military bases in South Korea. We are stationed at Yongsan which is right in the heart of Seoul. You can click on the link to see all of the others. We often travel to Osan Air Force Base because the Exchange is HUGE and has a much wider selection. They even have a full size Chili's. The first time we ate there (and we really never ate at Chili's in the states) we felt like we had found a little slice of home.

At Camp Humphrey's there is a pretty great water park. It's only $10 for the whole family to get in as well. I would be going there all the time, but it's 2+ hours away. It makes for a great day trip, but a really long and tired day!

A few weeks ago a bunch of us gals from church decided to caravan down and make a trip together. We took back roads since the major highway was going to be packed and we all made it without getting hopelessly lost! It was a lot of fun. Really hot, but with as many rainy days as we've had this summer you better believe we wanted to get out and play in that sun.

The pictures aren't the best since i just had a little camera with me, but here they are:


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