Day One!
After a rough first night of sleep and being sick I wasn't up for doing too much.Dan had to be to work at 7:30. I lazed around with the boys for a bit and then went to the park they have here at the Dragon Hill Lodge.
This is what I got from Cade when I asked him to take a picture with me. Funny boy!
Here’s a picture of my happy boys in Korea and the view from our room. There are more mountains behind the ones you see, but it was a little cloudy. The tall pointy thingy is the Seoul Tower and only costs $8 for us to go in and get a great view of Seoul. We may go there on Saturday.
I also need to blog about our 2 week road trip before Korea! I’ll do a little bit each time I post. The very first thing we did after checking out of our apartment was spend one last day at Ocean Breeze waterpark. Most of you know that we spend a good portion of our summers there and we had never taken any pictures! So for our last day we rented a locker and got some fun pictures of a place we all love and will miss. Enjoy!
Here they are pooped from a long day of swimming :)
Our family
What time is it in Korea?
Family and Friends
February 15, 20253 weeks ago
It Never Stops6 months ago
these days8 years ago
February 20159 years ago
Still dreaming ...10 years ago
Halloween/Trunk or Treat10 years ago
3 not 210 years ago
Idaho or Bust: Day 110 years ago
Miles Armando Cottrell10 years ago
The Maggie Files10 years ago
Kefir. Kefir is weird.11 years ago
What a waste of markers.12 years ago
Hunt Club12 years ago
End of Summer Fun!!!12 years ago
Our New Blog12 years ago
The past 11 months12 years ago
CHECK IT OUT...12 years ago
A Quilt for my Sweet Nephew AJ13 years ago
Lost Halloween Pictures13 years ago
Teaching Time!13 years ago
Family Pictures! Enjoy...13 years ago
The Last Two Days13 years ago
Family Pictures14 years ago
David15 years ago
YAY! It's so good to see that you're settling in and getting used to the new home. :) Love the pics and can't wait to see more new ones. I'm sure both kids will adjust soon to the new time zone, it'll just take a couple days and then it'll be like you never lived anywhere else ;)
Congrats on making it there and thanks for the good pictures. We do miss you and it is fun seeing you in you new are. Great seeing the new area, too. Nice pics!
Hey there! I read your last post as well and I am glad you survived it. Ada doesn't sleep on planes well so I know how tired you must have been. It was an adventure you will never forget though and good job on writing it all down. I can't wait to see more photos of the new home. We will miss you here. Love Debi
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