Out processing

In order to leave one place and get to another, a military member must out-process and in-process. Neither of the said processes are very fun but the must happen. The joy of out processing for Dan is that he knows his 'last' day of work. He begins out processing on July 15th. He will have a departure luncheon on either the 14th or 16th at a restaurant of our choosing. That means July 15th-29th are all days that are spent doing paperwork and helping get ready to move, and aren't charged leave. Dan is then taking leave from the 30th-21st of August. Any days that we're on a plane aren't charged leave either.

We still haven't decided whether we're going to fly from Norfolk to Seattle, or try and get his orders changed, and drive all the way to Seattle.

Oh! We finally have our passports AND visas. We can now travel officially :)


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