Birthday Celebration!

Because Dan was headed out with the band over Cade's birthday, we celebrated a little early. We do parties on the even years so this year it was just a family celebration. I have been secretly coveting my sister's birthday banners that her in-laws made for them so I searched Etsy and found a lady who would make some for our family. Now we'll have them for everyone's birthday every year! I sent Dan and Cade out to pick up some pizza and when he came home it was all decorated.

Alex was so excited to help.

Book from Alex

Presents from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Corrie

And THE toy he wanted SO much: The Red Death. He has played with that thing non-stop!

Cade also got a scooter, which i somehow neglected to get any pictures of.

Here is the obligatory birthday song and reveal of the 5th Birthday cake!

Yeah, Cade loves Angry Birds, and since I couldn't quite fathom how to make a Red Death cake we went with this idea. It was fun, but unfortunately the birds weren't quite edible even though they were made out of marshmallows. He even had fun knocking it down! :)

Happy Birthday Cade!!


Valerie said...

Love the banners! Glad you found some. Of course, now that you can cut fabric on the Silhouette you could make some for yourself!

Love the angry birds cake- esp. the pigs!

OUR HOUSE said...

That cake is hilariously awesome!

Katz said...

Love it! Bronson has an obsession with "Angry Chickens".

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