There are so many things that I'd love to be DONE with right now, but at least we are slowly checking things off of the list. All of our pre-move surveys are DONE and we have sold the truck!! Hooray! 4 days until the movers start coming.
Thursday, July 22, 2010 | | 0 Comments
The longest day of our lives
Even though today may have been an extremely long day, we have one day in the near future that will be 100x worse. And no, it's not even the days we'll have in the car on our upcoming road trip. It's that one we'll have up in the sky. We got our itinerary for our flight from here to Seattle. Here's the breakdown.
Flight leaves August 16th at 2:51pm and arrives in Seattle at 8:15pm on United. We then check in at 10:30 for our next flight. It leaves at 1:55am, arrives in Anchorage at 4:10am. We leave Anchorage at 6:30am and arrive in Japan at 7:00am. We then leave Japan at 9:20am and arrive at the Osan AFB at 11:30. (and then we still have to make our way to Seoul, 90 minutes away)
So if we take all of the time changes away that's 31+ hours of travel. Someone commit me now! Any spare moment you have on August 16-17th to send prayers, warm fuzzies, or sleep fairies our way, please do!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | | 1 Comments
Departure Ceremony (Pictures!)
So eventually this blog will become my only blog, and since the ceremony was completely Korea related I thought this was the appropriate blog to post the pictures on. Last Friday Dan had his departure ceremony in which colleagues gather together and formally bid Sgt. McBride adieu. Several higher-ups including the Commander of the School of Music gave a little speech about Dan and his work at the School of Music, and then Dan had the chance to make his own little speech. He was presented with several certificates, pens, drum heads turned in to School of Music plaques and even a gag gift of BACON corn muffins, and oatmeal BACON raisin cookies. (They know Dan well!) They all recognized his hard work, the difficulty of transitioning from a student at the school of music to staff, and recognized his need to get out in the field, play his horn and get more experience. It was a nice ceremony and we were glad Dan's parents could be here to see it.
Dan is now officially out-processing and the movers come a week from Monday. It's all happening so fast!
Friday, July 16, 2010 | | 0 Comments
A great source
I know that there are people who dislike Facebook, but I suppose anyone can use a good thing and a bad way, right? That's just a truth about the internet period.
Our sponsor is supposed to be our go-to person for any questions, and our liason between the states and Korea. He has been a little less than present so we've had to find some things out on our own. Well, there is a USAG-Yongsan Facebook group that has been an immense help to me and getting our family prepared for the move. People can get on and post questions ranging from phone service to where's the best restaurant. I've made a contact with a lady who has answered a lot of my questions.
Someone also posted this as a resource for preparing to PCS to Korea and vital info for the first 30 days there. I wish I had found it sooner, but I'm still very glad I found it, even if it added a few more things to my checklist!
We also finally have our new address!! If you want it let me know, but of course I won't put it out for everyone on the interwebs to read :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | | 1 Comments
Time is a tickin..
Less than 3 weeks until the movers come and change our life forever! All of our movers have been confirmed so our last week in Virginia Beach will look like this.
July 26th- unaccompanied baggage pick up
July 27th- household goods pick up
July 28th- storage pick up
July 29-30th- clean and check out
July 31st- drive away
We have to decided to fly from Norfolk to Seattle instead of driving all the way to seattle. It will be simpler in a lot of ways. :)
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Our family
What time is it in Korea?
Family and Friends
February 15, 20256 days ago
It Never Stops6 months ago
these days8 years ago
February 20159 years ago
Still dreaming ...10 years ago
Halloween/Trunk or Treat10 years ago
3 not 210 years ago
Idaho or Bust: Day 110 years ago
Miles Armando Cottrell10 years ago
The Maggie Files10 years ago
Kefir. Kefir is weird.10 years ago
What a waste of markers.12 years ago
Hunt Club12 years ago
End of Summer Fun!!!12 years ago
Our New Blog12 years ago
The past 11 months12 years ago
CHECK IT OUT...12 years ago
A Quilt for my Sweet Nephew AJ12 years ago
Lost Halloween Pictures12 years ago
Teaching Time!13 years ago
Family Pictures! Enjoy...13 years ago
The Last Two Days13 years ago
Family Pictures14 years ago
David15 years ago