We wanted to do something different this Saturday, but had a church activity in the middle of the day. Since we put our kids to bed around 6:30-7:00 it didn't leave much time for anywhere out in Seoul and didn't want to just go on base for the umpteenth time. We finally brainstormed up a genius idea to go to the Seoul Tower at night! We hadn't done that before. We gave the kids a late nap and left around 8pm.

We had a great time. The kids were well behaved and it wasn't super hot or rainy. However, this trip turned out to be quite the learning experience. We learned that:
- The light show doesn't happen every night :(
- Our kids don't stick out as much in the dark (though we still had a Korean couple hold our kids hands up the hill to the Seoul Tower)
- If you want to go to the observatory at night, on a Saturday night especially, you may have to wait 40 minutes to go up and 40 minutes to go back down. You might then decide at 8:48pm that it's too late to wait that long
- Coldstone ice cream smooths over the tears from not going up the Seoul Tower
- 1000 won ($1) gets you a pretty good press coin souvenir!
- Cade loves taking pictures
- There are 3 Namsan Tour buses, not just one.
- If you get on the wrong one, you can just get off on a stop near a subway and take the subway the rest of the way home.
- After taxiing, busing, subwaying, and walking all night, you will get home at 11pm and your kids will sleep in for the first time in years, but you have church the next morning! :D

We had a great time. The best part for Cade was that we let him go around with our point and shoot digital camera and take pictures.

Here's a slide show of Cade's adventure at the Seoul Tower!
We just may have to try this. (But without quite so many modes of transportation :) And I love Cade's view of life!
I want to come back. :(
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