A little bit about housing

We have chosen to live on post during our time in Korea. We have been assigned to live in Hannam village, which are high-rise apartments. (no more backyard!) Our floor plan will either look like this:


or this:

I kinda like the last one, but i'm not sure how much say we have in that. I'm sure as soon as one is available we'll be more than happy to move in. We're told that it may take up to 60 days after we arrive in Korea for housing to be available. I hope to make some phone calls over to their housing office soon and see what the current wait times are.

Here are some pictures of Hannam Village.

Pardon the random kid, but they have a pool!

They are said to be renovating the housing in Hannam Village and this is a picture of one of the renovated kitchens.

So that will be our home in September or October. Until then we will be staying at the Dragon Hill lodge.


Anonymous said...

Not bad - looks really swanky, actually!

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